Dear All,We are celebrating the second Sunday of Advent tomorrow. There is a service at 9.30 am at church which is our Toy Service. We are asking for donations of new Toys for the charity Fort Alice which supports women and children who are fleeing domestic violence. Toys must be new and unwrapped. Please support this very worthwhile cause if you can. Thanks. For those worshipping at home, the pew sheet is attached as a separate Notice Sheet with prayers and readings.Thank you to all who have forwarded their feedback on the Team Online Services we produce. If you haven't done this yet, please could you consider doing so? There are only a few questions and your feedback will help us considerably in planning for the future. Thanks.1. Do you watch our online services?A. Always. B. Sometimes. C. Used to watch but don't any longer. D. Never watched.2. If you answered A or B, please can you tell us in a few words how you find the services helpful.3. If you answered C, please tell us in a few words why you no longer watch the services.4. Thinking about the future, what would you find helpful in terms of what we offer via the online services?5. Please let us know any other comments, ideas or thoughts about the online services.Thank you for your help. Please email me back or, if you would prefer to write something down on paper or remain anonymous, please hand it to our Church Wardens Barbara or Evelyn when you are next in church.Thanks again.Revd Carol H PharaohTeam Rector Blackrod, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton & Wingates Team
Dear All,Happy New Church Year for tomorrow. It has been very cold today. Hope you are managing to keep warm.The Christmas lights are switched on in Westhoughton and we begin the season of Advent tomorrow. There will be a service of Holy Communion at 9.30 am. There's no online service this week but the pew sheet is attached as a separate Notice Sheet, and Andy Jones’s homily can be found via the link on this News Story.There are other services for Advent on offer in our Team tomorrow.At 3 pm at St Bart's Church there is an Advent Christingle Service. This is very much a service for all the family.There are also two Taize Services available if you would like a more contemplative service. There is a Taize Service at 4 pm at St James' Church and a Taize Service at 6 pm at St Katharine's Church. Please could you help us with a little bit of feedback on the Team Online Services we produce?1. Do you watch our online services? A. Always. B. Sometimes. C. Used to watch but don't any longer. D. Never watched. 2. If you answered A or B, please can you tell us in a few words how you find the services helpful. 3. If you answered C, please tell us in a few words why you no longer watch the services. 4. Thinking about the future, what would you find helpful in terms of what we offer via the online services? 5. Please let us know any other comments, ideas or thoughts about the online services. Thank you for your help. Please email me via "Get in touch" or if you would prefer to write something down on paper or remain anonymous, please hand it to our Church Wardens Barbara or Evelyn when you are next in church or post in our black letter box.Thanks again.With prayers and best wishesCarolRevd Carol H Pharaoh Team Rector Blackrod, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton & Wingates Team
Hello,I hope you've had a good week.We come to the end of the church year with celebrations for Christ the King. Tomorrow, there is an all-age service in church at 9.30 am. The pew sheet is attached as a separate Notice and here is the link to this week’s online service: week we celebrate a new church year as we look forward to Advent Sunday. Look out for details of our special Advent and Christmas events and services.With prayers and best wishesCarol Revd Carol H PharaohTeam Rector Blackrod, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton & Wingates Team
Hello,I hope that you are well.In church tomorrow there is a special service for Remembrance Sunday at 9.30 am. There is no online service available this week but the pew sheet is attached as a separate Notice Sheet.Parents, please remember that you are now required to attend an act of worship in person for you and your child's attendance to count for school admission purposes. There is still a limit on capacity in our church building and tomorrow we might be quite full because of the significance of the day. We apologise in advance if we have to turn you away.With prayers and best wishesCarol Revd Carol H PharaohTeam Rector Blackrod, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton & Wingates Team