Seventh Sunday of Easter 29 May 2022

Easter Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

Hello everyone,

I hope that you are OK. It’s been a lovely day weather-wise.

Tomorrow at church there is a Morning Worship service at 9.30 am. This week's pew sheet is attached as a separate Notice Sheet.

If you can't get to church, you might find the following link helpful which will take you to the Church of England online service.

We are invited to join the 'Thy Kingdom Come' initiative in the days from Ascension Day to Pentecost. We are asked to pray for 5 people to come to know God's love in Jesus Christ. Around the Team, churches will be open at set times to come and enjoy a quiet time to sit quietly and pray. The venues, dates and times are given below.:

Sun 29th May

Sunday Services All Churches

Mon 30th May

12 noon to 1 pm St James’ Church

Tues 31st May

6 – 6.30 pm St John’s Church

Wed 1st June

10 am Service St James’ Church

Thurs 2nd June

Anytime At home

Fri 3rd June

Anytime At home

Sat 4th June

4 pm St Katharine’s Church

Sun 5th June

Sunday services All Churches

Don't forget that next Saturday 4th June it is the Jubilee edition of bric-a-brac and brew. Pop along for delicious refreshments and a chat. There will also be jubilee crafts for children and adults to enjoy. Pop in anytime from 10 am to 12 noon.

With prayers and best wishes


Revd Carol H Pharaoh

Team Rector Blackrod, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton & Wingates Team