Sunday next before Lent 27 February 2022

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

Hello Everyone,

It is lovely to see some sunshine and the first signs of spring. Yet we are sad as we hear and see the dreadful news in Ukraine. Our Archbishops have asked us to join with people around the world, to pray for those in Ukraine who suffer grievously, for all who take decisions around the world, and for the people and leaders of Russia too.

They invite us

- to make this Sunday, 27 February, a day of prayer for peace;

- on Tuesday 1 March at 6pm (GMT) to pray with the Diocese in Europe for the chaplaincy in Kyiv and the churches that serve Ukraine;

- to participate with the wider church in Pope Francis’s call to make Ash Wednesday, 2 March, a day of prayer and fasting for peace.

Tomorrow at church there is a service of Holy Communion with healing prayer at 9:30 am. It is week 2 of our stewardship campaign. Please pick up an information pack about this if you have not already received one.

There is no Team online Sunday Service this week but you will find the link for the church of England Sunday Service below.

The pew sheet is attached as a separate Notice Sheet. If you haven't yet had an opportunity to view the bitesize weekly worship on the character of Daniel, the link is below.

Ash Wednesday is this coming week, the 2nd March this year. There is a service at 10 am at St James' Daisy Hill and a service at 7.30 pm at St Katharine's Blackrod.

This week too, the Team Lent Course begins. We are following a course called Pilgrim - Church & Kingdom. It covers topics such as prayer, living generously, taking care of God's creation and challenging injustices in the world. The course runs on Tuesday nights at 7.30 pm at St John's Wingates and on Thursday afternoons at 1.30 pm at St James' Daisy Hill. Everyone is welcome. We started this course in 2019 but didn't finish it because of the lockdown. Participants who attended then, may still have the course booklet. Please bring it along with you if you have a copy.

With prayers and best wishes,


Revd Carol H Pharaoh

Team Rector Blackrod, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton & Wingates Team