Third Sunday before Advent Service 7 November 2021

Church_news From_the_Vicar Notices

Dear All,

I hope that you are keeping well and safe.

Tomorrow in church there is a service at 9.30 am. There is an online service (link below) and the pew sheet is attached as a separate Notice Sheet.

Tomorrow afternoon we are holding our Team Confirmation Service at St Bart's Church. 12 young people from our church are being Confirmed. Please pray for them as they take this very important step.

Parents should be aware that we have been advised that, from Sunday 7th November, we are required to record physical attendance at our churches for the purposes of school admissions, So from this coming Sunday, you must attend an act of worship in one of our church buildings or church in schools for your attendance to count. At St John's there is a form to sign after the service to say you have attended church. Please ask where this is if you can't locate it. Please note that there are still some covid restrictions in place at church. Adults without a valid exemption are asked to wear a face covering all through the service from arriving to leaving. Also, there is still a limit on capacity because of covid, We apologies in advance if we have to turn you away. Remembrance Sunday (14th November)will be particularly busy. After Saturday 6th November you will no longer be able to record your attendance or intent to attend via the dedicated email address.

With prayers and best wishes



Revd Carol H Pharaoh

Team Rector Blackrod, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton & Wingates Team