No online service this week - 17 October 2021

Church_news From_the_Vicar Notices

Dear All,

I hope that all is well with you.

Tomorrow at church there is a 9:30 am All Age Service. There isn't an online service this week but the pew sheet is attached for those worshipping at home. There are also some important notices on the pew sheet which is available as a separate Notice Sheet.

This week our Online Bible Study Course looks at the Old Testament character of Samuel. Andy, our curate, is now leading both sessions. One is on Tuesday evening at 7 pm and one is on Thursday afternoon at 2 pm. If you would like the link to the session, please get in touch.

Also, Jenifer Palin from St James is organising a trip to York Christmas Markets on 27th November 2021. The cost will be between £16 and £19 per person, depending on final numbers. If you are interested please get in touch as soon a possible as she is looking to finalise the numbers and get the coach booked.

With prayers and best wishes,


Revd Carol H Pharaoh

Team Rector Blackrod, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton & Wingates Team