Sunday after Ascension Service 16 May 2021

From_the_Vicar Easter Notices

Dear All,

I hope that you are all well.

Tomorrow at church there are 2 services, one at 9.30 am and 10.30 am led by Barbara. The 10.30 am service is particularly suitable for families. The pew sheet is attached as a separate Notice Sheet and the link for the online service is below. The online service this week is led by Pauline.

To remind everyone, it is our Annual Meeting next Sunday 23rd May. Nominations for the roles of Church Warden, Deputy Warden and PCC member can be made by picking up a nomination form from church. If you are unable to attend church, please get in touch. At the moment there is still uncertainty as to whether the meeting can be held face to face so watch and listen out for further announcements. You will be able to attend the meeting via zoom even if some of us are meeting in church. If the meeting cannot be held in-person, we will hold the meeting entirely via zoom.

This coming week there is a Deane Deanery Celebration Service on Tuesday 18th May at 7.30pm at Deane Parish Church. The service will celebrate the life of our deanery and look forward to moving into the new larger Bolton Deanery. It will be a service of Holy Communion. Booking is essential for the service so please get I touch for details on how to secure your place. If you are unable to attend in person or indeed are anxious about doing so with there being a surge in the Indian variant of covid in the Deane area, the service will be livestreamed by Deane and Lostock Church. If anyone wishes to watch it online they can do so online from 7.30pm on Tuesday. Search Deane & Lostock Churches on YouTube

As our country moves to the next step on the roadmap of easing restrictions and with the surge in the Indian variant of covid in the Bolton area, please pray for leaders to make wise decisions and for all those whose lives remain badly affected by the pandemic.

With prayers and best wishes


Revd Carol H Pharaoh

Team Rector Blackrod, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton & Wingates Team