Climate Change Sunday Service 9 May 2021

From_the_Vicar Easter Notices

Dear All,

I hope that you are all OK and having a lovely day despite the weather

Tomorrow in church at 9.30 am there is a service of Holy Communion led by Revd Ian Hepburn. I know Ian is looking forward to coming and seeing as many as possible at the service.

Here is the link for the service. It focuses on Climate Change. All churches are encouraged to have a Climate Change Sunday at some point this year so we thought it would be good to have an online service too. Our thanks to all involved in putting it together.

The pew sheet is available as a separate Notice Sheet containing readings and prayers and important notices so please take the time to read it. To highlight a couple of things, on Thursday it will be Ascension Day. There will be a service at 10 am at St Barts and a service at 7:30 pm at St Katharine's. If you can't come in person but would like to worship at home, there will also be an online service, the link for which will be sent out in the next few days.

From the 10-16th May it is Christian Aid week. There will be a collection in church tomorrow and there is also a way you can donate online. The Westhoughton Christian Aid Group has it’s very own online giving page:

Don't forget our Annual meeting on Sunday 23rd May at 10.15 am. We are hoping that it will be possible to hold an in-person meeting but you will also be able to join by zoom if you wish. Nomination forms for Church Warden and PCC members are available in church or we can email a form to you if you prefer. This year too, there is opportunity to elect 2 Deputy Wardens to assist the Church Wardens. This role does not necessitate being on the PCC so if you are not particularly a meeting person but think you can help or would like to know more, please get in touch. Thanks.

With prayers and best wishes


Revd Carol H Pharaoh

Team Rector Blackrod, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton & Wingates Team