Epiphany 2 Service Sunday 17 January 2020

Church_news From_the_Vicar Notices

Dear All,

Hope that all is well with you and your families. We have heard the good news that some from our church family have had their first vaccine this week. There is light at the end of this very long tunnel.

Please find below the on-line service link for this week's service. It is a service of Holy Communion led by our new Team Minister Malcolm.


The pew sheet is attached as a separate notice sheet. There are some important notices so please read carefully.

In church tomorrow there is a service led by Andy Glynn at 9.30 am. Please note that we are not able to provide the service at 10.30 am at the moment. Families are very welcome to attend the 9.30 am service instead.

Tomorrow at 4pm there is a chance to meet and chat with our new minister Malcolm on zoom. If you would like the link for this, please email Matt Dunne. Matt's email address is;-

[email protected]

I've added new people to the email list this week. If you don't want to receive these emails in the future please let me know.

Keep praying. Keep safe. Keep well.

God bless,


Revd Carol H Pharaoh

Team Rector Blackrod, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton & Wingates Team