Celebration Praise Service Sunday 12 July 2020

Service_Sheet_-_Celebration_Praise_12_July_2020.pdf Download
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Hello everybody,

It's a special Celebration Praise Service featuring all of our churches, children's song and our Art Competition. 

Please copy the YouTube link below into your internet browser to access the Team Sunday Service.  Our Service Sheet can be accessed via the DOWNLOAD button below and the Pew Sheet is on a separate notice.


Church Buildings Opening for Services – Our churches are opening for services next Sunday, 19th July. Please note that this is subject to PCC approval. We plan to carry on providing the on-line services for a while yet so don't worry if you aren't able to get to church.

St John’s Wingates from Sunday 19th July at 9.30 am

Please be aware that, to comply with social distancing measures, we have limited space. Please be understanding if we have not enough room to fit you in and we have to turn you away.

Please also be aware that it will be different! We ask that you respect the guidance given on arrival. 

Anyone with symptoms of Covid-19 / Coronavirus must not attend. Those in a household where a member has symptoms of Covid-19 / Coronavirus must not attend.  Those who have been asked to self-isolate as part of a contact tracing programme must not attend.

Take care and God Bless
