We'd love to hear from you

St. James Daisy Hill is part of a Team Ministry.  

Our Team Rector is the Rev. Carol Pharaoh,  Rev'd. Dr. Malcolm Wearing is an Associate Priest in the Team who's main ministry focus is at St. James Daisy Hill, Revd Angela Wynne ( Team Vicar ) also gives pastoral support to the parish of St James the Great Daisy Hill. 

Enquiries about Weddings and Baptisms can be made directly to our church website using links from the Booking tab on the left or by  contacting Rev’d. Malcolm Wearing by phone on 07557 65845..

Enquiries for Funerals should be made to Rev’d. Angela Wynne on 01204 468150.

In addition enquiries can also me made to Rev’d. Carol Pharaoh Team Rector who’s contact details are below. The Rector will be taking sabbatical leave from 13th May to the 6th of August 2023 please contact Rev’d. Angela or Rev’d. Malcolm 

The Churchwardens telephone contact details can be found on the Who’s Who at St. James Daisy Hill tab on the left or the weekly Pewsheet posted on the News and Notices tab on the left.

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Revd Wearing 07557 658452 Revd Wynne 01204 468150 Rev’d.Pharaoh 01942 859251

The Rector Revd Carol Pharaoh
The Rectory,
Market Street

Revd Dr Malcolm Wearing, Team Vicar
07557 658452
Revd Angela Wynne, Team Vicar
01204 468150

Our website