Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Day 6—Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. (Luke 10: 34)

Lord, turn our churches into inns, welcoming those in need.

Additional scripture passages

Genesis 18: 4-5 Psalm 5: 11-12


In any society, hospitality and solidarity are essential. They require the welcoming of strangers, migrants and all people without a home. Such hospitality can require sacrifice, but it is an important witness to the Gospel. When faced with insecurity, suspicion and sometimes violence, we tend to mistrust our neighbours so that extending and accepting hospitality becomes more difficult.

Welcoming “the other” and being welcoming in turn, is at the heart of ecumenical dialogue and practice. Christians are challenged to turn our churches into inns, open and inviting spaces where our neighbours can find Christ.

When we, as followers of Christ, move beyond our traditions and choose to practise ecumenical hospitality, we stop being strangers and start being good neighbours.

We pray for

Edenfield Parish Church.

Trinity Grace Church.

Our churches to be places of welcome to all.

Those working with the isolated and vulnerable.

We pray together

God of unity, Help us to become a community that generously welcomes those who feel abandoned and lost, together building an inn where all are welcomed and loved.



When have you seen Christ in someone who was not like you?

Go and do

What ecumenical projects can be found in your area? Find out what Christians are doing together and get involved.