When someone is looking for shelter

Well you never know what is round the corner.......... Getting in early to make sure that the church was clean and tidy for a wedding, I was surprised by Janice and David who had also popped in to prepare for tomorrows church parade. Several minutes later, the door was opened by some very, very wet people who were on a pilgrimage from London. They were looking for a few minutes respite, and to dry off from the torrential rain. Come in we said, there is a wedding in an hour or so but you are welcome.....An hour later, after serving numerous warming cups of tea and coffee,(with poor David sent off to the supermarket for more milk), and some wonderful singing, the 30+ bedraggled pilgrims left with renewed vigour to wend their way to Haslingden for the night. What are we here for, if not to make people welcome and make new friends.....There was a coat made up of patches from all over the country which we were honoured to put on.