#WatchAndPray Lent reflections - Start of Lent, Ash Wednesday


Start of Lent: Waiting in darkness

Watch and Pray invites us all to wait expectantly for God this Lent, and to draw on Black Spirituality in search of new wisdom and hope even in times of struggle and trial. We begin the journey waiting with – and searching for – God in darkness.

Prayer for the Week
Lord, grant us the faith to wait together in darkness and uncertainty – for it is there we will find you. May we come to know you this Lent in ways we have not yet discovered or even imagined. Amen.

Waiting with Jesus

Start of Lent - Ash Wednesday
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Matthew 26.36-38

Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane; and he said to his disciples, ‘Sit here while I go over there and pray.’ He took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be grieved and agitated. Then he said to them, ‘I am deeply grieved, even to death; remain here, and stay awake with me.’


Watch and Pray invites us all to wait expectantly for God this Lent, and to draw on Black Spirituality in search of new wisdom and hope.

The spiritual practice known as "tarrying" is a prominent aspect of many Black - especially Pentecostal - congregations. "Tarrying" is a time of waiting on God which involves the whole community. It encourages us to encounter God both as individuals and together. As we wait, we pray for our own needs, as well as those of our neighbour.

"Tarrying" also encourages us to watch, paying attention to matters we might push under the rug to deal with "another time". Doing so might feel overwhelming. But as we sit in the presence of God who looks upon us with delight, we find ourselves waiting with and for Jesus, who is familiar with our weaknesses.


Notice any worries or feelings you might be afraid to deal with as we begin Lent.

...and pray

today by setting aside time to hold these before God - and wait.