Ash Wednesday


Today, on Ash Wednesday, we begin the season of Lent. We are invited to walk again the journey of repentance and conversion as we prepare for the great celebration of Easter.

In our first reading, we listen to the prophet Joel, whose words come at a time of crisis. An invasion of locusts has swept through the land of Judah, ravaging everything in sight. The land is destroyed, and the people and animals are starving.

We also live at a time where many people are facing critical conditions. The climate emergency and world food crisis has left many people struggling, both here at home and across the world.

Amid this suffering, we too can heed Joel’s call to come together as a community to listen to the Lord. To turn again to our compassionate God and begin to work for a better world for all people.

So, as we enter Lent, let’s turn our whole heart to God. Let’s try to make time to draw closer to him in prayer, to fast in solidarity with those struggling to put food on the table and to give generously of the gifts we have.

And let’s remember that we do this together. It is not just our own lives that need to be renewed, but our local and global community. May this season of Lent be an opportunity for us all to learn how to make our world a more loving and just place.

As we begin our Lenten journey, let’s pray that God will transform our hearts and inspire us to build a brighter future.