Congratulations Rev Lesley Stear


After a 30 minute delay, sadly due to an accident on the motorway, fourteen people were ordained Deacon at Manchester Cathedral on Sunday 2nd July.

One of which was Lesley Steer from St Andrew’s.

Three years of hard work, cumulated in a beautiful service where the cathedral was filled with very proud friends and families of the candidates.

Led by the Bishop of Manchester, the Right Reverend Doctor David Walker, and assisted by the Bishop of Middleton, the Right Reverend Mark Davies and the newly consecrated Bishop of Bolton, the Right Reverend Doctor Matthew Porter, the ordinands made a declaration of Assent and swore an Oath of Allegiance and Obedience, with the Cathedral filled with joyful anticipation as the service began.

The Ramsbottom and Edenfield Team Ministry could not have been any prouder of Reverend Lesley Steer as she knelt for the laying on of hands from Bishops David, Mark and Matthew.

After the newly ordained deacons were presented with a Bible, they were then given a stole to signify their new office. This gesture being equally special for RETM as it was the first time that Rev Ian Fleming has represented the Team as our incumbent designate.

Congratulations Rev Lesley, our love and prayers go with you as you take this wonderful step on your journey in Ministry.