Facilities and features


2 Ladies & Disabled Toilets downstairs
2 Gents & Disabled Toilets upstairs
Toilets have been Twinned

Accessible in the Disabled Toilet downstairs

A small car park is available on the south side of the main entrance: up the drive and bare right.
We try to leave this car park available for disabled users. Take care when reversing as there are low walls which could cause damage to car.

Disabled Toilets on both ground and mezzanine levels.

We try to keep the car park for disabled drivers. There is a disabled access (no steps) from the car park

Currently available from the foyer.

Available for use during Worship if selected on hearing aid.

Large print editions of service sheets and hymn books are usually available

Assistance Dogs are welcome

Our Building

We are seeking to develop our Eco Credentials

Listed building 2.

Music and Worship

Book of Common Prayer Services

We have a small but enthusiastic choir. We rehearse every Thursday between 4pm and 5pm and we sing in church every Sunday. Come and join us.

Our group leads music for worship at our Family Worship on the 3rd Sunday of the month

Groups, Courses and Activities

Thursday 10am

Help for Visitors

Please let us know if you will need access so that we can provide you with secure access.

Other Features