About Us
Kilngreen Church is situated in Leeside just down the hill from the Diggle Hotel. When it was first built in 1870 it was Diggle School, and remained so for many years, until a more modern school was built on Sam Road. <span style="font-size: 1rem;">Because of its previous life as a school, it is a "multi-purpose" community building, housing both the church and a wide variety of groups and activities throughout the week.</span>
The church chancel is divided from the main area of the big hall by a slatted roll-down shutter, which protects the altar when the church is not in use, so that the building can be easily used for lots of other purposes.
There are individual seats for the congregation, which means we can be very flexible about how we present services. Seats can be in rows, in a circle or semi-circle, or with tables, thus making for a creative and lively service of worship. The church is accessible for wheelchair users and has accessible toilet facilities.