Choir & Music

St Matthew's Church Choir

We are very proud of our long-standing choral tradition here at St Matthew. The church choir can be heard singing in the parish every week at our Sunday Eucharist and consists of members of our congregations. The choir tackles a wide range of repertoire from early music and the Classical and Romantic periods to modern day contempoary works. In addition to the choir's usual duties on a Sunday morning, they can also be heard at other seasonal events in the church's calendar such as our All Souls service, the parish's Service of Nine Lessons and Carols, and during Holy Week to name a few.

Our Organist and Director of Music is Garry Johnson and Max Butterworth holds the post of Assistant Conductor. Rehearsals take place on Thursday evenings from 7:15 pm until 8:30 pm. If you are interested in joining the choir then we would love to hear from you! Please complete the form below and we will get back to you. Alternatively, feel free to speak to Garry after the Sunday 9:00 am service.

St Mathew's Church Organ

During the most recent re-ordering of our church, it was decided to replace our aging Makin organ. Anthony Bogdan Organs Ltd were asked to make their recommendations as to the organ specificaiton required to meet our needs.

After careful consideration, Viscount Classical Organs was selected to provide a new custom Envoy 33 Series two-manual organ with an extra five stops added for a West End division. The organ was installed during Holy Week in April 2018 and Anthony Bogdan voiced the instrument. The result is a fine sounding organ with sparkling mixtures, a full swell, and a solid English pedal division including a West End tuba. For the full organ specification please visit our website by clicking here.