Little Lambs Community Toddler Group

Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday at for 2 hours
St. Mary's Church Centre
St. Mary's Church Centre, St. Mary's Church Centre, Meadow Lane Haughton Green, Denton, M34 7GD, United Kingdom

Little Lambs is a popular community Carer and Toddler group that takes place 4 times a week during Tameside term-time. We are open on Wednesday afternoon's from 12:30-2:30pm, Thursday's & Friday's from 10am-12pm, and Saturday morning's from 10-11:30am.

We aim to provide an exciting, safe, friendly, and fun environment for children and their carers to socialise, play, interact and enjoy themselves with a variety of play activities with appropriate and child-friendly equipment for all preschool children. Through play, craft, stories, and song we also share the love of Jesus Christ and celebrate the Christian festivals throughout the year.

Attendance for our Little Lambs sessions are priced at £2.50 per family group or £3.00 for childminders.
We look forward to seeing you soon!

We are not open during Tameside school holidays. Attendance for our Little Lambs sessions are priced at £2.50 per family group or £3.00 for childminders.

Food Bank

Every Monday, Tuesday, Friday at for 2 hours
St Mary's Church Centre
St Mary's Church Centre, St. Mary's Church Centre, Meadow Lane, Haughton Green, Denton, Manchester,, M34 7GD

St. Mary's Church and Community Food Bank was the first Food Bank to be opened in Tameside. Staffed entirely by volunteers, we offer food parcels to families and individuals throughout Tameside who find themselves in crisis.

To book a parcel, please phone or text the Food Bank number on 07479256785

Donations can be dropped off from 2-4pm. For food parcel pickups, you will be given a timeslot upon booking, this will be between 3:30-4pm.

If you would like to donate to the foodbank, you can drop off at St. Mary's foodbank during our opening hours above, use the drop off points at Morrison's or Sainsbury's in Denton or Tesco's in Haughton Green. You can also drop off any donations with the Vicar, at the Rectory (the first house after the Church Centre), or contact through the Facebook page if this isn't convenient. . You can find our up to date Food Bank needs on our website .

We are running on a pre-booked parcels only system. If you require a parcel, the only way this can be booked is to phone or text the foodbank number. You will then be given a time slot to pick up your parcel. We cannot accept any referrals by email or contacting through the Facebook page.

A huge thank you to all who support families in the area, through donations of food. We really do appreciate all our community does to help!

Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St. Mary's Church, Haughton Green
Meadow Lane Haughton Green, M34 7GD, United Kingdom

Once a month, on the 2nd Sunday, we take communion as part of our service. This is where we share bread and wine as a reminder of Jesus' sacrifice for us. This isn't compulsory and you are free to stay sitting during this time, or come to the front and receive prayer, if you do not wish, or are unable to take communion (children and those who have not been baptised). The Vicar/leader administering communion will explain everything before we start. Our children's groups (Little Faith/Crèche and Children's Church) will be on during this service, for children of pre-school and primary school age. Our Teenagers groups take place in the afternoon (Pathfinders) and on the Monday evening (Youth Group).


Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St. Mary's Church Centre
St. Mary's Church Centre, St. Mary's Church Centre, Meadow Lane, Haughton Green, Denton, Manchester,, M34 7GD, United Kingdom

Pathfinders is our group for children/teenagers secondary school age. We meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month from 3:30-5pm in our Church Centre.

Our aim is to grow closer to Jesus through bible teaching and discussing what it means for us, and to grow closer in friendship through having fun, games, and chatting.

If your teenager would like to join us, please let us know, they are more than welcome to join in!

Men's Keep Fit

Every Monday at for 1 hour
St. Mary's Church Centre
St. Mary's Church Centre, St. Mary's Church Centre, Meadow Lane, Haughton Green, Denton, Manchester,, M34 7GD, United Kingdom

Men’s Keep Fit is a men’s community fitness and exercise group which takes place every Monday from 8 - 9pm in St. Mary's Church Centre.

We meet for an opportunity to meet, socialise, and exercise with others who are looking to become more active, whilst encourage each other in our journeys. If you would like to join in, please come along to the Church Centre on a Monday night, or let us know and we will put you in touch with the group leader (Bob).

Tuesday Morning Life Groups

Every Second, Fourth Tuesday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St. Mary's Church, Haughton Green
Meadow Lane Haughton Green, M34 7GD, United Kingdom

We have a number of Life Groups which meet fortnightly at various locations on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We meet to chat, develop meaningful friendships, and enjoy each other's company, whilst learning from the Bible and encouraging one another through our spiritual growth and stages of life.

If you would like to join a life group, please let us know and we will speak our LG leaders to find a group for you.

Our Life Groups are held at different times and various locations. Please visit our website for more information.

WOW (Women on Wednesday)

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 45 mins
St. Mary's Rectory
St. Mary's Rectory, St. Mary's Rectory, Meadow Lane, Haughton Green, Denton, Manchester, M34 7GD, United Kingdom

WOW is our weekly women's bible study group, which meets on Wednesday mornings from 9:15 - 11am, at The Rectory (1st house on the right after St. Mary's Church car park). We tend to have a brew and chat from 9:15am and aim to star our bible study around 9:45am. We meet together to have a brew and chat, build relationships, and study the bible together, sharing experiences and encouraging each other in our faith. Children are welcome, if you have a baby or child(ren) pre-school age, we have books and soft toys which we can set up for them.

If you would like to join us, please feel free to come along on a Wednesday morning, or contact us and we will put you in touch with the group leader (Alex).

We do not meet during Tameside school holidays.

Little Lambs Community Toddler Group

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
St. Mary's Church Centre
St. Mary's Church Centre, St. Mary's Church, Meadow Lane Haughton Green, Denton, M34 7GD, United Kingdom

Little Lambs is a popular community Carer and Toddler group that takes place 4 times a week during Tameside term-time. We are open on Wednesday afternoon's from 12:30-2:30pm, Thursday's & Friday's from 10am-12pm, and Saturday morning's from 10-11:30am.

We aim to provide an exciting, safe, friendly, and fun environment for children and their carers to socialise, play, interact and enjoy themselves with a variety of play activities with appropriate and child-friendly equipment for all preschool children. Through play, craft, stories, and song we also share the love of Jesus Christ and celebrate the Christian festivals throughout the year.

Attendance for our Little Lambs sessions are priced at £2.50 per family group or £3.00 for childminders.
We look forward to seeing you soon!

We are not open during Tameside school holidays. Attendance for our Little Lambs sessions are priced at £2.50 per family group or £3.00 for childminders.

Thursday Life Groups

Every Second, Fourth Thursday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St. Mary's Church, Haughton Green
Meadow Lane Haughton Green, M34 7GD, United Kingdom

We have a number of Life Groups which meet fortnightly at various locations on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We meet to chat, develop meaningful friendships, and enjoy each other's company, whilst learning from the Bible and encouraging one another through our spiritual growth and stages of life.

If you would like to join a life group, please let us know and we will speak our LG leaders to find a group for you.

Our Life Groups are held at different times and various locations. Please visit our website for more information.

Morning Praise

Every Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St. Mary's Church, Haughton Green
Meadow Lane Haughton Green, M34 7GD, United Kingdom

We invite you to join us for our Morning Praise service. This is our general worship, which whilst all ages are welcome, the sermons are aimed more at adults. Our children's groups will meet during these services (during Tameside term-time). In this service there will be a mix of contemporary and traditional worship music for everyone.

All Age Worship (Family Service)

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St. Mary's Church, Haughton Green
Meadow Lane Haughton Green, M34 7GD, United Kingdom

We welcome everyone to join us as we praise and worship our Heavenly Father in an amazing variety of ways. These services will be led by our All Age Worship Team, made up of members of the congregation who are gifted in leading and speaking in a more relaxed manner which appeals to all ages. We try to especially engage with families with young children. The service can encompass bible readings, action songs, prayers led by the children and young people, drama, dance, and quizzes with sweets and chocolate thrown in to encourage participation! We might even get a visit from our resident GAP (God's Amazing Puppets) puppet's, TJ and Annie-Mae.

This is the service we typically hold thanksgivings and/or baptism's. We also host a Church family lunch on the first Sunday, which we welcome everyone to join us for following the service.

Whilst there are no children's groups during this service, we so have our 'Kiddie Corner' set up, which will have soft toys for anyone with a baby/young child to sit. We like to encourage you to stay for the service where possible, so wanted to provide a space for parents to sit with their children during the service. During this service, we also invite those who have a birthday that month to come to the front where we will sing 'Happy Birthday' and they will be able to pick a book from our bookstall as a birthday present from St. Mary's. If you are new to St. Mary's and have children, we would advise this as your introductory service. It's a great time for everyone to stay in Church and worship together and is heavily family-focused.

TNT (20's & 30's)

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St. Mary's Church, Haughton Green
Meadow Lane Haughton Green, M34 7GD, United Kingdom

TNT, our 20s-30s group is great for building lasting friendships and encouraging each other in our walk with God. We meet once a month to chat, pray and study the Bible together, and to look together at how we follow Jesus and how we can share who He is with others in our daily lives.

We meet every 1st Sunday of the month from 8pm. If you are in your 20's or 30's, and would like to join us please get in touch so we can provide the address and any other information you need.

Messy Church

Sunday 02 April 2023 at for 2 hours
St. Mary's Church Centre
St. Mary's Church Centre, St. Mary's Church Centre, Meadow Lane, Haughton Green, Denton, Manchester,, M34 7GD, United Kingdom

If you want a fun, family-friendly, faith-filled Church, then Messy Church is for you! We currently meet once or twice a term where we get messy, get fed and get filled with the love of Jesus.....everyone is welcome!

Our next Messy Meet Up:
Sunday 2nd April 2023 - Messy Easter Extravaganza!

Contact 07964994008, or visit our Facebook page for more details.