
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Nicola - Parish Secretary

Getting here

Our  Mission Statement -   "Making the light of Christ known in this community"

The church was built in 1853, and was designed by George Gilbert Scott of London. It is built of Kerridge rock and Yorkshire stone. There are several beautiful and interesting stained glass windows, many of which depict the main events in the life of Christ and which are part of the history of Denton. . The church was closed in 1999 for repairs and restoration, and reopened in 2004

If you would like to visit Christ Church we have services every Sunday at 11am and afterwards we meet informally for coffee and fellowship. Other times by prior arrangement with the priest in charge or churchwardens.  We aim to be accessible to all, but if you have any queries please contact us in advance. Our postcode is M34 3RN.

For all baptism and wedding enquiries and bookings please come to  our 'enquiry' hour held between 7and 8pm every Thursday evening at church.  <span style="font-size: 1rem;">There will be a break after 29th November until 7th February 2019. See Events tab for dates. </span>

Alternatively visit us at Community Drop-in on Wed 10am, at 11am Sunday service or email.

For further information and fees in 2017 please refer to Church of England website Statutory fees, effective 1st January 2017, have been set according to a formula based on the year on year increase in RPI in the twelve months to September 2016.

More information and Rolls of Honour for the Church and Churchyard:

Manchester Road
M34 3RN

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