About Us

Our  Mission Statement -   "Making the light of Christ known in this community"

The church was built in 1853, and was designed by George Gilbert Scott of London. It is built of Kerridge rock and Yorkshire stone. There are several beautiful and interesting stained glass windows, many of which depict the main events in the life of Christ and which are part of the history of Denton. .http://www.geograph.org.uk/snippet/15654. The church was closed in 1999 for repairs and restoration, and reopened in 2004

Did you know that there are a wide range of activites already taking place in the church just waiting for you to join? Rainbows, Brownies, Mother's Union, Messy Church & Brigade

If you would like to book a church wedding or baptism please could you email [email protected]

If you would like to book St George's Centre for an event or group please could you email [email protected]

Find us on Facebook.https://m.facebook.com/christchurchandstgeorgesdenton/