Sunday Family Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Hilda's Church, Audenshaw
St Hilda's Church Denton Road Audenshaw Tameside, M34 5EU, United Kingdom

The main service of the week when our regular Church family gather together in worship and extend a warm welcome to visitors and friends.

Please note our service starts at 9:30am as our vicar also takes the service at our sister church, St Stephen's Audenshaw at 11am


Monday evening Eucharist

Every Monday at for 30 mins
St Hilda's Church, Audenshaw
St Hilda's Church Denton Road Audenshaw Tameside, M34 5EU, United Kingdom

For anyone who wishes to come and worship ~ thinking particularly of those who work or can’t come during the day or at the weekend. All are welcome for this 30- minute service in the peace of candlelight and stillness.

Midweek Communion service and coffee 'social'

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Hilda's Church, Audenshaw
St Hilda's Church Denton Road Audenshaw Tameside, M34 5EU, United Kingdom

A short service including readings, prayers and thoughts for the day....and from 10.30, join us for coffee/tea & toast and chat!

Thursday afternoon devotions during Lent

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Hilda's Church, Audenshaw
St Hilda's Church Denton Road Audenshaw Tameside, M34 5EU, United Kingdom

The church will be open from 4pm, beginning with the Rosary.
There will be a time of private prayer and devotions with Vespers following at 5pm.
Everyone welcome - please feel free to join us for either the first or second part, or both.
An opportunity once a week to take a little time out from our often busy lives to pray, reflect and generally gather our thoughts in a prayerful atmosphere of peace and calm.

Stations of the Cross

Every Friday at for 30 mins
St Hilda's Church, Audenshaw
St Hilda's Church Denton Road Audenshaw Tameside, M34 5EU, United Kingdom

Each Friday morning during Lent we will be taking time out from our normal daily routine to think about Jesus, our Saviour who put an end to death by dying for us on the Cross.
'For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son...'

Spring fair and table top sale

for 4 hours
St Hilda's Church, Audenshaw
St Hilda's Church Denton Road Audenshaw Tameside, M34 5EU, United Kingdom

Craft stalls... Easter gifts... bric-a-brac... tombolas and raffles...
Come and browse.. and enjoy a selection of refreshments in St Hilda's café
It's £10 to book a table in advance: please call 07703 720384

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