About Us

Although the family of the church at St Hilda's is small, those who attend on a regular basis are faithful, dedicated and welcoming.

The style of worship is modern Anglo-Catholic. 

The main service of the week is the  9.30am Family Eucharist on Sunday morning. This lasts for about 45 minutes and includes hymns, prayers, readings and Holy Communion. 

A warm welcome is extended to all visitors and friends.

Should you wish to discuss Baptisms, Weddings or any other matter,  please come and have a chat with Mthr Amy Elizabeth or one of the churchwardens, who will usually be available after each service.

The church is also open on Wednesday morning for our midweek service at 10am, followed by the weekly coffee morning social ~  please feel free to pop in for a cup of coffee (or tea!) and a chat. between 10.30am and 11.15am.