School Admissions and Church Attendance (Please also read the News and Notices page)

We receive many enquiries about school admissions and whether children and parents should attend services.

It is always nice to see both parents and children in church or Sunday School everyone is welcome at Christ Church.

Canon Burrows Nursery and Reception Policy

Children of a parent/legal guardian who worship regularly at Christ Church, regular means a minimum of 32 attendances of a parent/legal guardian at public worship on a Sunday or Wednesday in the 12 months prior to application need to register their attendance at church. This is verified by card reader donations at church services and Reverend David’s signature. The form must be collected and returned to school at the relevant time.

Canon Johnson nursery and Reception Policy

Places are given to children of parents who worship regularly at Christ Church, this means active membership (at least once a month for 12 months prior to application). This is verified by card reader donations at services and Reverend David’s signature, (the form must be collected and returned to school at the relevant time).

Bluecoats Senior School

The following note is taken from the 2018 application form.

There must be weekly worship attendance over a minimum period of four years prior to your application. “Weekly” means attendance of at least 45 weekly services per year. This applies to both parent and child, the child can attend Sunday School instead of church. (This is verified by card reader donations given at services and Reverend David’s signature,) please check the figures they require regularly as the change.

Church Register

Only children applying for BlueCoats or other Church of England Schools need to place names on the register. The children must go and see a Churchwarden to let them know they are in church as other parents have been signing children’s names on register when they are not in church. If your child attends Sunday School they will be marked on their register and figures will be collected when needed by church wardens and Reverend David.