Ash Wednesday Service

for 1 hour
St George's Church, Oakenrod
Oakenrod Hill Bury Road Rochdale, OL11 4ED, United Kingdom

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent in the Christian calendar, a 40-day period of fasting, prayer, and repentance leading up to Easter Sunday. The Church of England observes this solemn occasion with a structured liturgy that emphasizes themes of penitence, humility, and renewal.

Norden and Bamford Bridge Club

Every Wednesday at for 3 hours
St George's Church, Oakenrod
Oakenrod Hill Bury Road Rochdale, OL11 4ED, United Kingdom

Join us for Duplicate Bridge on Wednesday evenings. Please arrive just before 7:00pm. Play finishes by around 10:00pm. Visitors and always welcome. A free taster session is available to first time visitors.

Table Money (Members) - £2 per person
Table Money (Visitors) - £3 per person
Annual Subscription - £20 per person

Women in Touch

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
St George's Church, Oakenrod
Oakenrod Hill Bury Road Rochdale, OL11 4ED, United Kingdom

Women In Touch is an all female community group for creative movement, fun and friendship. We meet weekly on Thursdays 7-9pm at St George’s Church Hall to move and dance together, guided by a professional dancer. It’s great exercise, a good laugh and creating together feeds the mind, body and soul. Free and no booking required.

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Holy Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St George's Church, Oakenrod
Oakenrod Hill Bury Road Rochdale, OL11 4ED, United Kingdom

You'll be given a warm welcome as you join us for our regular Sunday service.

Karate classes for adults and children from aged 7

Every Monday at for 1 hour
St George's Church, Oakenrod
Oakenrod Hill Bury Road Rochdale, OL11 4ED, United Kingdom

We are a friendly welcoming group that caters for ages 7 years and upwards, and all abilities. Our aim is to promote health of body and mind by teaching the art of karate in a fun but disciplined environment. Please feel free to call in at one our sessions for more information and speak to Sensei Adele.

St George's Tappers

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Monday at for 1 hour
St George's Church, Oakenrod
Oakenrod Hill Bury Road Rochdale, OL11 4ED, United Kingdom

Want to keep fit and keep tapping?
We help you to master the basic moves, like ball change, ball heel, shuffle, and heel step toe. No matter how old or young you are, you can become an amazing tap dancer with practice.

Wednesday CRAFTernoons

Monthly. Every Second, Fourth Wednesday at for 3 hours
St George's Church, Oakenrod
Oakenrod Hill Bury Road Rochdale, OL11 4ED, United Kingdom

We hope you enjoy Wednesday CRAFTernoons, make new friends, share, and learn new skills.
Contact us on 07710 452936 (Jennifer)

The CRAFTernoons meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month.

Coffee Rockers

Monthly. Every Third Tuesday at for 2 hours
St George's Church, Oakenrod
Oakenrod Hill Bury Road Rochdale, OL11 4ED, United Kingdom

Hosted by Home Instead Rochdale, join Coffee Rockers at St George's Church Hall on the third Tuesday of every month, 1pm - 3pm.

For ages 55 and over. All are welcome.

There will be refreshments, snacks and entertainment!

Please pre-book a place by contacting Joanne on the details below. We look forward to seeing you.

Entry fee: Free

Third Tuesday of each month

St George's Fellowship

Monthly. Every First Monday at for 2 hours
St George's Church, Oakenrod
Oakenrod Hill Bury Road Rochdale, OL11 4ED, United Kingdom

Fellowship: spiritual, social and intellectual.

We have a balanced and varied programme to offer its members spiritual refreshment, social interaction and intellectual food for thought.

Friendship and support within the Fellowship is of utmost importance. Outings, or Christmas lunch is interspersed with talks from visiting speakers on a wide range of topics.

Occasionally the first Monday meetings are altered to allow for holidays and hall availability. Please check before setting out.