Donations and Regular Giving

Protecting our income is vital as it enables us to continue the process of regular maintenance as well as the opportunity to be a source of spiritual guidance and outreach and a resource / haven for special events such as weddings, baptisms and funerals.

If you feel able, please go to our page on the Easy Fundraising website to make a donation to St Thomas church.  Please copy and paste this address to your internet browser

You can also use our Easy Fundraising page to make your online purchases and a percentage of your spend will automatically be donated to St Thomas church. Its that EASY!!

Alternatively to set up regular giving, please email [email protected] and request a standing order form.

Our Giving

We regularly collect and donate to the Rochdale Foodbank, more locally to Aunty Irene’s Pantry and The Booth Centre, Manchester. 

Additionally our Harvest services support these wonderful organisations who do such great work for those in our communities who are less fortunate than ourselves.

If you would like to use St Thomas for an event, please contact us [email protected].