Facilities and features


Unisex toilets - one toilet adapted for wheelchair access/handrail etc

Unisex toilets - one toilet adapted for wheelchair access/handrail and space for baby changing.

Unrestricted Street parking

one toilet adapted for wheelchair access/handrail etc

Accessible car parking

Side entrance has one small step - the West door has a portable ramp but with a sharp incline. Assistance can be provided.

Books available


Training is given to Church Volunteers on being dementia aware.

Our Building

Open for individual prayer
Stained Glass
Warm Space

Music and Worship

Venue is suitable for concerts.

This is currently under repair.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Scouts (Explorers) meet on a Friday evening.

Jesus Shaped People (JSP) / START / Christianity Explored

Monthly Study/Discussion Group - weekly in Lent/Advent

Coffee morning
Community event

Various social groups hire our hall.

Jesus Shaped People (JSP) / START / Christianity Explored

Place of Welcome - Weds 1.30 - 3pm

Explorers alternate Fridays

Help for Visitors

Upon request

Gifts / Books / Cards

Other Features

We accept food & cash donations for Oldham Food Bank

An area of High Social deprivation

Back to Church Sunday

Hall Hire - Contact Sylvia/John 0161 287 0962 for rates & availability.

Assistance for those in need.