Holy Week Programme
- Occurring
- for 7 days, 5 hours, 30 mins
- Venue
- Oldham Parish Church
- Address Rock Street Oldham Manchester, OL1 3AT, United Kingdom
Full details of all the services at Oldham Parish Church this Holy Week 2024:
Palm Sunday – 24th March
10.30am Sung Eucharist including dramatic reading of the Passion according to St Mark
11.45am Palm Sunday Procession to the Town Centre
Tuesday in Holy Week – 26th March
7pm Shared reading of the entire Gospel of St Mark
Wednesday in Holy Week – 27th March
10am Holy Eucharist
7pm Stations of the Cross
Maundy Thursday – 28th March
7pm Holy Eucharist of the Last Supper
Including foot-washing and the stripping of the altar. We will process to the Altar of Repose and keep a time of silent prayer.
Good Friday – 29th March
10am Stations of the Cross for children
Followed by workshop & refreshments
12 noon Good Friday Liturgy
(the main service of Good Friday)
1.30pm Procession of Witness to the town centre
Holy Saturday – 30th March
9.30am Coffee Morning
7pm Easter Vigil
Easter Day – 31st March
10.30am Sung Eucharist with Holy Baptism