for 1 hour
Venue Address
Moorgate Avenue Withington Manchester, M20 1HE, United Kingdom
Come along to sing carols and wish everyone a Happy Christmas! NB: This takes place at the slightly later time of 10.30.

St Christopher, Withington

You are very welcome to attend any of our services or events. A good place to start is our usual Sunday morning service at 9.30 am.

Get in touch

Revd Anne Pilkington

The Rectory
35 Darley Avenue
West Didsbury

M20 2ZD
0161 445 4152

Our website

What's on

Christmas Day Service

for 1 hour
St Christopher, Withington
Moorgate Avenue Withington Manchester, M20 1HE, United Kingdom

Come along to sing carols and wish everyone a Happy Christmas! NB: This takes place at the slightly later time of 10.30.


Parish Safeguarding Officer:
Susannah Atherton Tel: 0161 536 6152

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer:
Abbey Clephane-Wilson Tel: 0161 828 1451

Compliance with this policy must be checked by the churchwardens annually and a report presented to the Parochial Church Council for discussion and approval.

The PCC is responsible for the laity.

All church workers, paid and unpaid, coming into regular pastoral contact with children (under 18) and vulnerable adults must be DBS enhanced checked as required by law.
A register of these DBS checks must be kept.

All such workers must attend training in safeguarding issues and must attend an informal review meeting with the incumbent at least once every year.

Written guidelines should be given to all such workers and updated as necessary.

Where a worker is new to the parish, or is not well known to other parishioners, two satisfactory written references must be obtained before the individual is permitted to engage in pastoral work with children and/or vulnerable adults.
A written copy of the Parish Safeguarding Policy must be given to all those making use of either church or church hall, and they must be told that there is a requirement that they adhere to it as a condition of the hiring agreement. Hirers must sign a written undertaking that they agree to this and are covered by insurance.

There must be an annual inspection and risk assessment of all church premises.
There must be access to the premises and toilet facilities for those with problems with mobility.
There must be provision in both churches for those with hearing disability and those with impaired vision, including the availability of large print service sheets.
There must be adequate public liability insurance policies in place.
There must be adequate Employers’ Liability insurance policies in place.
Fire extinguishers and gas and electrical equipment must be checked according to legal requirements.

Practice and Procedures
There must be health and safety policies and safeguarding policies which are reviewed at least once a year.
There must be an annual fire evacuation drill in both churches and particular attention must be paid to the emergency evacuation of children and vulnerable adults.
There must be an accident book in both churches and incidents of accidents or near accidents must be recorded.

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St Christopher, Withington Charity No. 1147596