Harvest Festival

This year our annual Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday, 6th October at 10.30am.  There will be 2 services - a communion service at the Parish Church and a service of morning prayer at the Branch Church in the community.  Both will include the traditional harvest hymns and an opportunity for you to offer gifts in thanksgiving for the harvest.  the gifts will be donated to the Booth Centre to support their work with homeless people.  

Foods such as coffee, tea, sugar, long-life milk, jams, peanut butter, oats, pasta, flour, spices, tinned and dried pulses like chickpeas, kidney beans & lentils etc., tinned tomatoes and tinned vegetables are used by the centre all year round and the gifts they receive at harvest help them to feed many people for many months.

Following the service at the Branch Church (on Humphrey Lane opposite Berwick Avenue) there will be an informal auction of fresh fruits and vegetables and home-made produce with all proceeds donated to the Booth Centre.