Facilities and features


NO toilet in church but toilets in Philip Holt Room and Church Hall adjacent to the church building.

Accessible from Chapel Lane (use postcode M32 9AJ)
Also parking available at Stretford Mall

Disabled toilet in the Hall

Ramps to all Church buildings.

Hearing loop in Church and Hall

Service sheets available in large print.

Assistance Dogs
Dementia Aware / Accessible

Our Building

Most of the windows are stained glass with a variety of scenes

Every Thursday 2pm until 4.30pm in the Philip Holt Room (small building next to the main church)

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Team of ringers on duty every Sunday

Various types of concerts including brass bands and choirs

Regular organist every Sunday

Groups, Courses and Activities

Regular bible study groups

Every Saturday 10.30am to 12 noon in Philip Holt Room (small building next to the church)

Pilgrim course

Help for Visitors

Church and Hall has WIFI

History of St Matthew's available from church.

Other Features

Donations welcome for local foodbank

A number of rooms of various sizes available for hire at reasonable rates.
Please contact Manager 0161 865 1750