Weekly Sunday Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Hilda
Kings Road, Warwick Road South Firswood Manchester, M16 0JE, United Kingdom

Pattern is different from below at present due to Covid - service is socially distanced and masked (please, for the present despite restrictions being relaxed). Groups for children have been paused but will restart in early 2022.
Service every Sunday morning, with children's groups (except on the first Sunday or in the summer holidays)
Usual pattern:
- First Sundays - Worship for All, shorter with everyone staying together for the whole service
- Second/Fourth Sundays/Fifth Sundays - Communion
- Third (some Fifth Sundays) - Morning Worship

Monthly evening Praise, Prayer & communion

Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Hilda
Kings Road, Warwick Road South Firswood Manchester, M16 0JE, United Kingdom

New plans following Covid for this to restart will follow a little way into 2022.
A more open time of worship and reflection, where prayer ministry and more open praise can take place, with a simple celebration of communion.

Daily Prayer

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at for 45 mins
St Hilda
Kings Road, Warwick Road South Firswood Manchester, M16 0JE, United Kingdom

Via Zoom only due to Covid at present - email [email protected] or leave message on helpline - 0161 660 1 066 to request sign in.
We meet every week day to pray.
This opens by reading a Psalm, then and Old Testament Passage together with discussion time for each reading before praying inspired by what we have read and shared. This includes praise and intercession and sometimes singing.

English Conversation Class (ESOL)

Every Monday and Friday at for 2 hours
St Hilda
Kings Road, Warwick Road South Firswood Manchester, M16 0JE, United Kingdom

Paused due to Covid currently - we hope to restart in early 2022. Email [email protected] or leave a message on helpline 0161 660 1 066 to be notified of updates.
A weekly class, in term time only, for non English speakers to be taught (informally) and practise English together. This is intended to build friendships across the language barrier and to help people for whom English is not their main language to access the English language all around them more effectively and grow in confidence in using it. (FREE)

Runs in term time only

Coffee Shop

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Hilda
Kings Road, Warwick Road South Firswood Manchester, M16 0JE, United Kingdom

Catch up via Zoom only at present. To find out more email [email protected] or leave message on helpline 0161 660 1 066.
Weekly open time for chat, refreshment and catching up. Excellent coffee and range of food items, from tea cakes to egg & bacon sandwiches etc.
Stay and play room for children with their parents, with selection of toys.

Spanish/English Conversation class

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Hilda
Kings Road, Warwick Road South Firswood Manchester, M16 0JE, United Kingdom

Via Zoom only at present due to Covid. Email [email protected] or leave message on helpline 0161 660 1 066 to request sign in or for more info.
Spanish learning and practice for English speakers and English learning and practice for Spanish speakers. Informal conversational learning from each other facilitated by a native Spanish speaker. Via Zoom only currently
In term time only.

Pre school breakfast

Every Friday at for 1 hour
St Hilda
Kings Road, Warwick Road South Firswood Manchester, M16 0JE, United Kingdom

Paused due to Covid at present.
Time to share breakfast and conversation for parents (and some play for children!) before all walking to school together. Either come early for time and relaxed eating, or as late as 8.30ish for more of a last minute quick breakfast, before we all head off to school at 8.45.

3D: Years 4-6 Youth Group

Every Friday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Hilda
Kings Road, Warwick Road South Firswood Manchester, M16 0JE, United Kingdom

Not meeting currently due to Covid. Restarting in 2022 once Covid issues allow.
A group for young people in Years 4-6 (aged 8-11). Lots of fun activities, some creative, som games, with some teaching content about Christian faith.

School term time only - special events in holidays.

Mothers Union Meeting

Every First Wednesday at for 2 hours
St Hilda
Kings Road, Warwick Road South Firswood Manchester, M16 0JE, United Kingdom

No meetings at present due to Covid. Restart expected at some point in 2022.
Monthly meeting of the Mothers Union, often with a guest speaker

Monthly Early Service

Every First Sunday at for 45 mins
St Hilda
Kings Road, Warwick Road South Firswood Manchester, M16 0JE, United Kingdom

Not meeting due to Covid at present, just at 10.30.
A relaxed early communion service, with usually a fairly small group attending, including a short sermon.