Church Spring Clean – Saturday 12th June 2021

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As the church is starting (hopefully) to open up we are planning to give the building a good Spring Clean and then start on the normal cleaning rota from 21<sup>st</sup> June 2021 onwards.

We will be carrying out the spring clean on Saturday 12<sup>th</sup> June, meeting at church at 10am. It will involve wiping down the pews and mopping them out, hovering, and polishing. Obviously, the more people we can get the better and quicker we can get it done. Depending on how many of us are available I would hope to be finished by 12pm. Cleaning materials will be provided.

If you are available to help for all or some of the time please email me at [email protected] or just turn up on the day. If anybody would like to join the regular team of cleaners and go on the rota please let me know. Many thanks.