NEW FACEBOOK PAGESt. John’s in Flixton now has a new Facebook page – search St. John’s Flixton for regular Facebook updates on events and activities taking place in church. Please “like” the page and encourage neighbours, family and friends to do the same to help us grow our followers.ST. JOHN’S WEBSITESt. John’s Church has it’s own website – – which gives latest news and comprehensive information about life at St. John’s and links to many community and spiritual organisations.
'The J C Squad' is the new name for our Sunday School, and it's running again this term at 10.30am, on a similar basis to the sessions we've had before, with the children and their leaders in the main church hall and Covid precautions in place.Children can rejoin their parents in church at the end of the main service and often share with the whole congregation something of what they've been doing that day.
Here's what to expect when you come to services at St John's:1. Our Sunday morning services are open to all, but we don't pass collection plates - instead there are bowls for those who wish to make their financial contribution by cash or in envelopes (but please remember there are alternative ways of giving, too).2. We are sharing Holy Communion together, receiving a wafer with the option of receiving it after it's dipped in the wine by a minister, or of receiving a wafer and then sharing the chalice in the traditional way. You don't have to receive anything if you don't want to.3. Please remember that anyone with any sign of Covid symptoms, who is waiting for a Covid test result or has tested positive, or who lives or 'bubbles' with someone in those categories, should be self-isolating.4. There are two small tables at the back, with chairs, for families who want to let smaller children do colouring or anything else that they can bring with them to occupy them during the service (but no food, please!). 5. There are after-church refreshments in the church hall for those who wish to go there.