Latest Pastoral Letter

A pdf version of this letter with illustrations is available for download.

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year, if it’s not too late to wish you that.

Pastoral or newsletters were patchy from the Rectory in 2024, and we hope to do better this year. The first full one for 2025 will follow after the PCC meeting on 14th January. In the meantime, there are a few things I would like to bring to your attention now some of which will be agenda items at Tuesday’s meeting.

First, thank you for your support over 2024 in whatever forms that takes. We are still in the season when we sing In the bleak midwinter – and we will sing it tomorrow – where the question is asked What can I give him/poor as I am? After other literal options have to be cast aside, as we’re neither shepherds nor magi, the answer is Give my heart. My prayer for 2025 is that not only do we give our hearts to Jesus and the work He commands us to do, we also examine our hearts to see what more can give to this work, beyond our praise and prayer together.

I am conscious that because of the nature of our building, and our small numbers, the worship we offer is very limited Sunday by Sunday, and in the week where currently there is none. This has to change, and it will. Details will follow next week, but I can say now, it is very likely we will be able to offer a Sunday School, split between church and our school next-door, and we will be looking at provision for older children and families which is less formal than the Sunday 10.00. The PCC will also be discussing mid-week worship and fellowship, likely once a month, and maybe in men’s and women’s groups making use of some Patron Saints of former daughter churches, such as St Wilfrid and St Ann. Of course, the two groups could meet together! This may also be a way of reviving the ‘Mothers Union’. This is not just for mothers, but all women, and indeed men too! I was a member when I was in the Diocese of Lincoln.

Please don’t ‘suffer in silence’: if there are things which irritate or annoy, or you believe there are things which could be done better, and, especially if you can support or help, please let us know. By us I mean me and/or the PCC. It is a difficult balancing act, and we don’t always get it right. I like to think we listen. That said, having listened to some questions in recent years about whether we offer a Crib Service on Christmas Eve (which we haven’t done for some years) we planned one for 2024, and printed hundreds of fliers for it, and publicised it through the schools’ networks to parents. Thus, we were able to answer ‘yes we do’ after phone and email enquiries only to find that just two children came, plus a parent, two staff from All Saints School, and three other adults! What are we getting wrong? For their equivalent service Holy Family down the road had 200 on the afternoon of Christmas Eve.


Janet the PCC Treasurer has asked me to share this – which I endorse fully, by the way. Every little helps, and is a fraction of what we shell out each year on insurance premiums on the church building.

Janet writes



Could you spare a minute to vote for All Saints, Newton Heath in this years Benefact Trust draw. Once registered we will automatically be entered into 6 draws in 2025, the first will be announced on the 31st January.

Just Ctrl+Click in the above picture or the link underneath, Nominate a Charity for £1000 will appear, you will then find our name prefilled, all that’s needed is for you to complete the remainder of the boxes then click on the green Nominate this Charity Box.

All Saints Church wish to ‘Thank you’ for your submission, and if you can pass the link [simply copy and paste the gif] onto family and friends for to add their vote as well.

Janet Crossley


Those of you on the Congregation WhatsApp Group will receive separate advice. The source of the heating fault is a burnt-out fan which means the gas cannot mix to enable the burner to ignite. A replacement was ordered yesterday, will arrive on Monday or Tuesday and will be fitted immediately. Given the extreme temperatures, please add an extra layer or two for worship tomorrow, and sing lustily in the hymns! Please take care generally.

I have attached a pdf of the order of service for tomorrow, so you can be with us in spirit if not in person, but please come if you can – just like our ancestors did who built the place!

All for now with more to follow after the PCC next meeting.

With all good wishes for 2025,

(Fr) Andrew

All Saints Newton Heath
0161 219 1807 (Rectory/Parish Office)
07596 514 541 (Rector's mobile)

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