Palm Sunday

for 1 hour
St Edmund's, Whalley Range
16 Alexandra Road South Whalley Range Manchester, M16 8EZ, United Kingdom

We begin our Easter journey this Holy Week with Palm Sunday Services at St James and St Eds at 10.30am. Let the drama unfold as we begin our adventure to Easter with Jesus entering Jerusalem. Get ready to hear the familiar story afresh and notice the words and phrases that catch you attention this year. How might God be speaking to you and bringing you new life + hope?

St Edmund's, Whalley Range

Life & Hope for All

Get in touch

Revd Tom Studman

St Edmund's Church
16 Alexandra Road South
Whalley Range

M16 8EZ

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What's on

Palm Sunday

for 1 hour
St Edmund's, Whalley Range
16 Alexandra Road South Whalley Range Manchester, M16 8EZ, United Kingdom

We begin our Easter journey this Holy Week with Palm Sunday Services at St James and St Eds at 10.30am. Let the drama unfold as we begin our adventure to Easter with Jesus entering Jerusalem. Get ready to hear the familiar story afresh and notice the words and phrases that catch you attention this year. How might God be speaking to you and bringing you new life + hope?