Manchester Bach Choir
- Occurring
- for 2 hours, 15 mins
- Venue
- St Paul's Heaton Moor
- Address St. Paul's Rd, Heaton Moor Rd, Heaton Moor Stockport, SK4 4RY, United Kingdom
The Choir will perform J S Bach’s St. John Passion with a full choir and small chamber orchestra. As the Work is two hours long, there will be a fifteen minute interval half way through. Last April, their performance of Handel’s Messiah filled the church and was a resounding success. We look forward to a similar attendance again for such a major work.
Manchester Bach Choir
13 Apr 2024, 7:30 p.m. for 2 hours, 15 mins
Manchester Bach Choir
13 Apr 2024, 7:30 p.m. for 2 hours, 15 mins