Come and sing in our church choir

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Holy Rood Swinton
Moorside Road Swinton Salford, M27 0HJ, United Kingdom

We have vacancies in our church choir for sopranos, altos, tenors and basses. You may already sing in a choir,  but if you like singing hymns and other sacred music you might like to join our church choir as well. 

Our Sunday services start at 10 am.  We sing lots of favourite traditional hymns and some of the well established modern worship songs too.  We have a sung setting for the Gloria, Sanctus, etc. We use three settings, and if there are sufficient in the choir, we sometimes sing a short anthem too. 

An ability to read music is not essential, though, if you read a little, it helps with learning new hymns and pieces. 

We have choir practice on Sunday mornings, before the 10 am Eucharist.  We meet in church at 9.30 am and robe in cassock and surplice. Be part of something special to enhance our worship.  You would be very welcome. I look forward to hearing from you. Gary Owen, ARCO, LLCM, LTCL Organist & Choirmaster

10am Sunday Morning Service

Every First, Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Holy Rood Swinton
Moorside Road Swinton Salford, M27 0HJ, United Kingdom

We welcome you to join us for our Sunday Morning at the new start time of 10am! It's a service of Sung Eucharist i.e. Holy Communion to a sung setting with hymns, readings and prayers. Afterwards you are invited to join us in the Moorside Memorial Hall for coffee and conversation.

Wednesday Coffee Morning from 10am

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Holy Rood Swinton
Moorside Road Swinton Salford, M27 0HJ, United Kingdom

You are very welcome to join us in Holy Rood Memorial Hall every Wednesday from 10am until 11:30am for an informal get together for coffee and chat. At our coffee morning we have toast, crumpets, croissants, brioche and more along with ground coffee or a hot cup of tea!

Term Time Only

Mothering Sunday 30th March 2025

for 1 hour
Holy Rood Swinton
Moorside Road Swinton Salford, M27 0HJ, United Kingdom

Please join us for a special service for Mothering Sunday as we come together to honour, support and encourage mothers and caregivers throughout our area and beyond. The service starts at 10am with the chance for a cuppa and a chat afterwards.

Palm Sunday Service: 13th April 2025

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Holy Rood Swinton
Moorside Road Swinton Salford, M27 0HJ, United Kingdom

The special service for Palm Sunday starts at 9:45am IN THE HALL with the blessing of the palms. We then process into church for the start of the Palm Sunday Service ~ please do join us!

Stations Of The Cross in Holy Week

for 1 hour
Holy Rood Swinton
Moorside Road Swinton Salford, M27 0HJ, United Kingdom

On this Tuesday in Holy Week we meet in church at 7pm to remember the Stations Of The Cross ~ a quiet and reflective time to recall Jesus' journey to Calvary

Solemn Eucharist for Maundy Thursday

for 1 hour
St Mark's Church Worsley
St Mark's Church Worsley, Worsley Brow Worsley Manchester, M28 2WH, United Kingdom

Please join us for a joint Solemn Eucharist Service for the churches in the Mission Partnership here at St Mark's Worsley at 7:30pm on Thursday, 17th March 2025. The service will end with the symbolic stripping of the altar.

Good Friday Service: Last Hour At The Cross

for 1 hour
Holy Rood Swinton
Moorside Road Swinton Salford, M27 0HJ, United Kingdom

Please join us for a service of reflection for Good Friday with sacred music, hymns, readings and prayers

Easter Day Service Of Holy Communion

for 1 hour
Holy Rood Swinton
Moorside Road Swinton Salford, M27 0HJ, United Kingdom

Please join us as we celebrate the joy of Easter at our Easter Day Holy Communion Service ~ followed by a family Easter Egg Hunt and refreshments........"Jesus Christ Is Risen Today, Alleluia!"

Sacred Sanctuary; a time of contemplative prayer lit by candlelight

Friday 14 February 2025, Friday 14 March 2025 at for 45 mins
Holy Rood Swinton
Moorside Road Swinton Salford, M27 0HJ, United Kingdom

We meet by candlelight in the Lady Chapel at 6:45pm for a 7pm start on Friday evenings in the months between October and March. It's a time of contemplative prayer; simply spending time in God's presence as we all round off a busy week ~ it will be lovely to have you with us!