Olivier Messiaen - La Nativité du Seigneur

On Thursday 2 February, Organist & Master of the Choristers Christopher Stokes will perform Olivier Messiaen's monumental organ cycle, La Nativité du Seigneur.

One of the greatest French composers of the 20th Century, La Nativité du Seigneur is a testament to Messiaen's Christian faith.

The work is in nine movements, each depicting an image or concept from the birth of Jesus.

La vierge et l'enfant (The Virgin and Child)Les bergers (The Shepherds)Desseins éternels (Eternal designs)Le verbe (The Word)Les enfants de Dieu (The Children of God)Les anges (The Angels)Jésus accepte la souffrance (Jesus accepts suffering)Les mages (The Magi)Dieu parmi nous (God Among Us)

This is a FREE concert and all are welcome to attend.