ASH Wednesday
- Occurring
- for 1 hour
- Venue
- St Matthew's Westminster
- Address 20 Great Peter Street Westminster, SW1P 2BU, United Kingdom
Ash Wednesday
Mass Setting
Mass for four voices
William Byrd (1543-1623)
Organ Prelude
Pavan The Earl of Salisbury
William Byrd (1543-1623)
Psalm 130
Motet during the Ashing
Call to remembrance
Richard Farrant (1530-1580)
Agnus Dei during Communion
Organ Postlude
Christe, du Lamn Gottes
J.S.Bach (1685-1750)
ASH Wednesday
14 Feb 2024, 6:30 p.m. for 1 hour
ASH Wednesday
14 Feb 2024, 6:30 p.m. for 1 hour