Mission Action Plan or What are we trying to do?

Mission Action Plan

St Barnabas Pimlico Road (0312)


Serving and Encouraging (our strapline)

‘Therefore encourage one another and build one another up’ <span style="font-size: 1rem;">Thessalonians 5:11</span>

Who Are We?

Barnabas was the saint who was known as ‘the encourager’ and we firmly believe we are here to serve the parish and encourage others in their faith journeys. We see ourselves as open and welcoming, a small but growing community. We come from a variety of backgrounds and we live both locally and further afield. We have parishioners who have been attending St Barnabas since the end of WWII as well as families who have joined (or rejoined) more recently. We use traditional language in our services and the Sunday Eucharist is our main family gathering, with community groups, Melkite congregation and local societies using both the church and the church hall frequently during the week. Our parish school is in church every morning during term time for an act of worship led by staff or children and once a week by the priest-in-charge. We are a community excited by the future of the parish, seeking to develop our various ministries in serving and encouraging others.

What are our goals for 2020-2023?

• That we are seen and known to be an established community serving, and preserving, the parish in faith, engagement and community support, with the active involvement of our parish school and of the churches, clergy and congregations of the wider area.

• That we continue to grow in numbers, as we welcome newcomers both to our established services and to the very varied events scheduled throughout the week.

• That we continue to be financially effective in serving the mission of our parish and creating a sustainable future.