Choral Eucharist

Every First, Third, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Holy Trinity South Kensington
Prince Consort Road South Kensington London, SW7 2BA, United Kingdom

The Eucharist (also known in other parts of the Church as the Mass, Holy Communion, or the Lord’s Supper), has developed over 2,000 years as the central and distinctive act of the Church’s worship, from the earliest days of Christians coming together. We use the order of service from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. We obey, with great solemnity, Jesus’ command on the night that he was betrayed, that we should take bread and wine, give thanks, break the bread, and eat and drink ‘in remembrance of me’. This Sacrament (a word related to ‘consecrate’ or ‘making sacred’) is celebrated in a service which also includes other ancient elements of Christian worship, including Hymns, Prayers, a Psalm, Readings from Scripture, and a Sermon. Part of the service, including the Sanctus (‘Holy, Holy, Holy…’) and the Gloria are sung to formal settings by the choir.

Holy Trinity South Kensington

At Holy Trinity South Kensington, we hope to support your journey of faith and your discovery of the significance of God in your life - whether you are making a first tentative step or have thought of yourself as a Christian believer for a long time. 

Our main service at 11am on Sundays (choral eucharist or choral matins) aims to offer thoughtful preaching, music that will inspire and, above all, prayerfulness – all within the context of the Book of Common Prayer, However, we are human and may not always achieve all of these things on any one day! All who worship here have an important part to play by their very presence and prayer. We want to be welcoming, but not in a way that overwhelms. Holy Trinity is a member of Inclusive Church.

On weekdays we offer a Wednesday lunchtime Eucharist (modern language) at 1.10pm together with regular Wednesday 5.30pm evensongs during term-time at which the Imperial College Chamber Choir sings. We also host a number of concerts given under the auspices of Imperial College and others. We are glad to provide, from time to time, space for events and exhibitions linking faith with science or the arts. Our proximity to major institutions of art, music and science contributes to the distinctive life of Holy Trinity.

There are at least six Sunday parish lunches a year which are very good occasions for getting to know one another better in an informal setting - and with very good food!

We are always pleased to discuss the possibility of baptism or marriage here. 

Get in touch

Kay Norman, Administrator

Holy Trinity Church
Prince Consort Road

020 7584 9253
Tim Roe (Bookings)
07746 450 403
What's on

Choral Eucharist

Every First, Third, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Holy Trinity South Kensington
Prince Consort Road South Kensington London, SW7 2BA, United Kingdom

The Eucharist (also known in other parts of the Church as the Mass, Holy Communion, or the Lord’s Supper), has developed over 2,000 years as the central and distinctive act of the Church’s worship, from the earliest days of Christians coming together. We use the order of service from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. We obey, with great solemnity, Jesus’ command on the night that he was betrayed, that we should take bread and wine, give thanks, break the bread, and eat and drink ‘in remembrance of me’. This Sacrament (a word related to ‘consecrate’ or ‘making sacred’) is celebrated in a service which also includes other ancient elements of Christian worship, including Hymns, Prayers, a Psalm, Readings from Scripture, and a Sermon. Part of the service, including the Sanctus (‘Holy, Holy, Holy…’) and the Gloria are sung to formal settings by the choir.


SAFEGUARDING: We are committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer. The Diocese of London’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information. If you have any concerns regarding safeguarding in the parish, our safeguarding officer is:

Catriona Howatson, 07740 869 525 - [email protected]

The Churchwardens are: Paul Meitner (07741 331 109) and Christopher Cann (07966 073 297)

The Parochial Church Council has adopted The Church of England's Safeguarding Policy: