Choral Eucharist
- Occurring
- Every First, Third, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
- Venue
- Holy Trinity South Kensington
- Address Prince Consort Road South Kensington London, SW7 2BA, United Kingdom
The Eucharist (also known in other parts of the Church as the Mass, Holy Communion, or the Lord’s Supper), has developed over 2,000 years as the central and distinctive act of the Church’s worship, from the earliest days of Christians coming together. We use the order of service from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. We obey, with great solemnity, Jesus’ command on the night that he was betrayed, that we should take bread and wine, give thanks, break the bread, and eat and drink ‘in remembrance of me’. This Sacrament (a word related to ‘consecrate’ or ‘making sacred’) is celebrated in a service which also includes other ancient elements of Christian worship, including Hymns, Prayers, a Psalm, Readings from Scripture, and a Sermon. Part of the service, including the Sanctus (‘Holy, Holy, Holy…’) and the Gloria are sung to formal settings by the choir.