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Getting here
Located in the heart of Westbourne Park (London W2), St Stephen's is a Church of England parish church with a diverse Christian community of all ages. Our services are a mix of modern and traditional, but always aim to be relevant.Our Sunday service is at 11am, with Holy Communion on the second and fourth Sundays of the month.
Our church vision statement:
Located in the heart of Westbourne Park, St Stephen's is a Church of England parish church with a diverse Christian community of all ages.
We are followers of Jesus, inspired by the Holy Spirit and directed by the Word of God.
With our doors wide open, expressing the love of Jesus, our vision is to be relevant and valued as a people and a place of prayer, worship and service to the community
Our church values statement:
At the heart of the Christian faith is an invitation from God. We are a church that embraces and extends God's invitation through our values:
Engagement - with God, each other, our community and the world
Accessibility - in our worship, our Bible teaching and our fellowship and, ultimately, to God
Participation - a diverse people with different gifts making a variety of contributions for the benefit of everyone
Relevance - making connections between the Christian faith and contemporary living
Partnerships - humbly valuing others, sharing strengths and lightening the load
Children's Activities:
Children and families are always welcome at St Stephen's. We hope they will feel able to join in our worship. In addition, there is a creche area for pre-school children in the Vicar's office - please ask for directions if you're not sure where to go. There are also Sunday Club groups which start part-way into the service and will be announced from the front. If you are visiting, the Sunday Club leaders will show you where to go. Full details about the Sunday Club groups can be found on our website.
The PURPOSE of Children's and Youth Ministry at St. Stephen's Westbourne Park is to help children and young people understand who God is, grow in their relationship with Him, and enjoy being a part of His family.
Our PRIORITES are: developing relationships with children, young people and their families; and providing high-quality programmes and activities that are Bible-based, fun, creative, relevant and age-appropriate.
Westbourne Park Road
W2 5QT
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