Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities

We have a portable ramp that allows easy access for wheelchairs/pushchairs.

We have large print hymn books for our Sunday services.

Assistance dogs are welcome in the church.

We have a portable ramp that allows easy access for wheelchairs/pushchairs.

Our Building

Stained Glass
Eco Church

St Matthew's is a Grade II* Listed Building.

Music and Worship

We have a set of five bells, which are rung before the morning service on Sundays, and on special occasions.

We have lunchtime concerts most Thursday lunchtimes, showcasing some of the young musical talent from the local conservatories.

We have a fine three manual Walker organ, which was restored in 1999. It is a brilliant example of romantic organ building, and is used to lead worship at most of our services.

Book of Common Prayer Services

Our professional choir is mostly made up of conservatoire vocal students, and they lead worship at most of our Sunday morning services during term time. They sing at more services during Christmas and Holy Week.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Monday 6.30-8pm during term time. St Matt’s Youth Group.
Ridiculous Games, Pizza, good discussions. All Secondary School Aged children welcome

Our Lego Club meets every Tuesday during term time, from 3:45-4:45pm. We have 45 minutes of free play with a vast quantity of Lego, followed by a story from the Lego Bible.

Our weekly Bible study is held on Zoom most Wednesday evenings during term time. No knowledge required; interest and enthusiasm ideal! If you’re nervous, you can even join without a camera or microphone (listening mode)!

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes

Other Features

The St. Matthew’s food bank is run for local people in need, regardless of religion, every Wednesday from 4pm until 6pm. Due to excessive numbers, we have taken the difficult decision that we can only serve local people.

We are located in the Bayswater Conservation Area.

We have some small rooms to the side of the church that are available for occasional hire, and are willing to consider the church for hire for suitable events.