Morning Service In Church and on Zoom

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Luke's West Kilburn
Fernhead Road West Kilburn, W9 3EH, United Kingdom

Our Church services are now back in the building as well as online.
You are very welcome to join us on Sunday Mornings at 10.30 at St. Luke’s or by on zoom. Please email us for the link.

Tuesday Baby and Toddler Drop In

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Luke's West Kilburn
Fernhead Road West Kilburn, W9 3EH, United Kingdom

Baby and Toddler Drop in
Drop in is a stay and play playgroup for parents and carers with pre-school aged children.
It meets on a Tuesday (term time only) from 10am to 11.30am.
The front door is locked for security reasons. Please ring the bell for entry. Name and phone numbers on entry are required.
There is no charge for this Drop in but donations are appreciated.

Term time only

English Conversation Practice

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
St Luke's West Kilburn
Fernhead Road West Kilburn, W9 3EH, United Kingdom

This is for those who would like to improve their English through conversation practice in an informal setting with tea and coffee. It is free and there is no need to book; just drop in.

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