Ash Wednesday

for 7 hours
St James's Church, Sussex Gardens
Sussex Gardens Paddington, W2 3UD, United Kingdom

Join us as we mark the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, with liturgies at 12.30pm (Said Mass) and 6.30pm (Sung Mass). Imposition of Ashes follow at each mass and you are most welcome.

St James's Church, Sussex Gardens

Welcome to St James's Sussex Gardens, the Parish Church of Paddington!

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The Parish Administrator

The Parish Office
St James's Church
Sussex Gardens
W2 3UD

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What's on

Ash Wednesday

for 7 hours
St James's Church, Sussex Gardens
Sussex Gardens Paddington, W2 3UD, United Kingdom

Join us as we mark the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, with liturgies at 12.30pm (Said Mass) and 6.30pm (Sung Mass). Imposition of Ashes follow at each mass and you are most welcome.