Parish Crib Service

for 1 hour
St Margaret's Church
St Margaret's Church, Windsor Street Uxbridge, UB8 1AB, United Kingdom

We particularly welcome children, with their families, to this service (as well as the ‘young at heart’!) and hope that we can reflect something of the example of Jesus when he said ‘Let the children come to me and do not hinder them’.

As we focus on Jesus, we remember that, right at the centre of Christmas is an amazing gift - God himself coming among us as a tiny vulnerable baby and showing an incredible heart of love for us. We pray that we may welcome him and experience something of the love that he brings.

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St Margaret's Church

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St Margaret's Church
Windsor Street


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Parish Crib Service

for 1 hour
St Margaret's Church
St Margaret's Church, Windsor Street Uxbridge, UB8 1AB, United Kingdom

We particularly welcome children, with their families, to this service (as well as the ‘young at heart’!) and hope that we can reflect something of the example of Jesus when he said ‘Let the children come to me and do not hinder them’.

As we focus on Jesus, we remember that, right at the centre of Christmas is an amazing gift - God himself coming among us as a tiny vulnerable baby and showing an incredible heart of love for us. We pray that we may welcome him and experience something of the love that he brings.

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