A Quieter Christmas Service

for 1 hour
St Andrew's Church
St Andrew's Church, Hillingdon Road Uxbridge, UB10 0AE, United Kingdom

Are you anxious about Christmas? Lonely? Missing a loved one? This is an invitation to join us at St Andrew’s for a quiet, reflective service for people who are not finding Christmas such a happy time. If this has been a difficult year for you emotionally, physically or financially. If you are feeling lonely or you are far from home and your family. Or if you are just finding life difficult, a time to remember that God is with you. Please join us for this service of candle lighting, music and prayers.

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St Margaret's Church

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St Margaret's Church
Windsor Street


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A Quieter Christmas Service

for 1 hour
St Andrew's Church
St Andrew's Church, Hillingdon Road Uxbridge, UB10 0AE, United Kingdom

Are you anxious about Christmas? Lonely? Missing a loved one? This is an invitation to join us at St Andrew’s for a quiet, reflective service for people who are not finding Christmas such a happy time. If this has been a difficult year for you emotionally, physically or financially. If you are feeling lonely or you are far from home and your family. Or if you are just finding life difficult, a time to remember that God is with you. Please join us for this service of candle lighting, music and prayers.

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