Facilities and features
Street parking available around the church, though Monday to Saturday there are restrictions 9-10am and 3-4pm
On the wall of the church hall, opposite the church building
Our Building
Silver Award
Come to The Hub 2-4.30pm each Tuesday during school term times for company, conversation, refreshements and crafts or games are available too
Music and Worship
Groups, Courses and Activities
The Alpha Course
CAP Job Club, CAP Money Course
Wholeness Centre (http://www.stpaulsealing.com/wholenesscentre)
New Wine Discipleship Year hub runs from this church & we take on 1 or 2 students each academic year
CAP Job Club
3 days during Easter school holidays
CAP Money course
Part of Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter
Regular Seniors group (http://www.stpaulsealing.com/groups)
Great & Small plus Bump to Baby (http://stpaulsealing.com/groups)
St Paul's Playschool (http://www.stpaulsplayschool.com)
Help for Visitors
Other Features
Support Ealing Foodbank
See website https://stpaulsealing.com/hall-hire/
Available for one-off events on Saturdays 3-8pm and Sundays 1.30-6pm, sometimes available on different days during school holidays